Аналог Maxilase в России


User reports

1 consumer reported useful

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Was the Maxilase drug useful in terms of decreasing the symptom or the disease?According to the reports released by ndrugs.com website users, the below mentioned percentages of users say the drug is useful / not useful to them in decreasing their symptoms/disease. The usefulness of the drug depends on many factors, like severity of the disease, perception of symptom, or disease by the patient, brand name used , other associated conditions of the patient. If the drug is not effective or useful in your case, you need to meet the doctor to get re-evaluated about your symptoms/disease, and he will prescribe an alternative drug.

Users %
Useful 1 100.0%

1 consumer reported price estimates

Was the price you paid to purchase the drug reasonable? Did you feel it was expensive?The below mentioned numbers have been reported by ndrugs.com website users about whether the Maxilase drug is expensive or inexpensive. There is a mixed opinion among users. The rating about the cost of the drug depends on factors like which brand drug the patient purchased, how effective it was for the price paid, the country or place the drug is marketed, and the economic condition of the patient. The users who feel the drug is expensive can look for an alternative brand drug or a generic drug to save the cost.

Users %
Not expensive 1 100.0%

6 consumers reported time for results

To what extent do I have to use Maxilase before I begin to see changes in my health conditions?As part of the reports released by ndrugs.com website users, it takes 3 days and a few days before you notice an improvement in your health conditions.Please note, it doesn’t mean you will start to notice such health improvement in the same time frame as other users. There are many factors to consider, and we implore you to visit your doctor to know how long before you can see improvements in your health while taking Maxilase. To get the time effectiveness of using Maxilase drug by other patients, please click here.

Users %
3 days 2 33.3%
2 weeks 2 33.3%
2 days 1 16.7%
1 day 1 16.7%

25 consumers reported age

Users %
1-5 8 32.0%
16-29 5 20.0%
30-45 4 16.0%
4 16.0%
6-15 2 8.0%
> 60 1 4.0%
46-60 1 4.0%
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Information checked by Dr. Sachin Kumar, MD Pharmacology

Maxilase contraindications

This medication is not recommended cons in the following situations:

— Hypersensitivity to Maxilase or a component of the solution, including parabens.

— Due to the presence of sucrose, this drug is cons-indicated in case of intolerance to fructose malabsorption of glucose and galactose or sucrase-isomaltase.

Active ingredient matches for Maxilase:

Alpha-/Amylase in Congo, Portugal, Tunisia.

Alpha-amylase in France, Portugal.

Amylase in Spain.

Serrapeptase in India.

Unit description / dosage (Manufacturer) Price, USD
Syrup; Oral; Alpha Amylase 3, 000 IU
Tablet, Film-Coated; Oral; Alpha Amylase 3, 000 IU
MAXILASE Capsule/ Tablet / 10mg / 10 units (Tablets (India)) $ 0.49
MAXILASE Capsule/ Tablet / 5mg / 10 units (Tablets (India)) $ 0.28
5 mg x 10’s $ 0.28
10 mg x 10’s $ 0.49
Maxilase 5mg TAB / 10 $ 0.28
Maxilase 10mg TAB / 10 $ 0.49
MAXILASE tab 5 mg x 10’s (Tablets) $ 0.28
MAXILASE tab 10 mg x 10’s (Tablets) $ 0.49
Malt Diastase (Thailand)
Medizyme (Thailand)
Medizyme Pancreatin 175 mg, Simethicone50 mg, Charcoal 50 mg. TAB / 300 (Zee Lab) $ 23.33
300’s (Zee Lab) $ 23.33
Medizyme 5 mg x 1, 000’s (Zee Lab)
MEDIZYME TABLET 1 strip / 10 tablets each (Zee Lab) $ 0.78
MEDIZYME tab 10’s (Zee Lab) $ 0.78
Medotase (Vietnam)
Medotase 10 mg x 10 Blister x 10 Tablet
Medozen (Myanmar)
MODIDASE tab 10 mg x 10’s (Modi Pharma) $ 0.72
Mylase 100
Neocarmin (India)
Neocarmin Alpha-amylases 20 mg, papain10 mg, dill oil 2 mg, aniseoil 2 mg, caraway oil 2 mg. Oral Drops / 15ml (NV Lifecare) $ 0.62


NEOCARMIN oral drops 15ml (NV Lifecare) $ 0.62
Neospitase K
Nicholase (Japan)
Olseraz Forte (India)
Olseraz Forte 10mg EC-TAB / 10 (Olcare) $ 0.95
OLSERAZ FORTE enteric-coated tab 10 mg x 10’s (Olcare) $ 0.95
Omsen (Japan)
Oramyl (France)
Oromylase (France)
Tablet, Chewable; Oral; Alpha Amylase 1, 000 IU
Papainid (India)
Papainid Alpha-amylases 100 mg, papain50 mg/5 mL. SYR / 100ml (Nidus) $ 1.22
PAPAINID syr 100ml (Nidus) $ 1.22
Pepse (India)
Pepse 10mg TAB / 10 (Race Pharma) $ 0.98
PEPSE tab 10 mg x 10’s (Race Pharma) $ 0.98
PEPSER (India)
PEPSER Capsule/ Tablet / 5mg / 10 units (Intra Labs) $ 0.48
PEPSER Capsule/ Tablet / 10mg / 10 units (Intra Labs) $ 0.71
10 mg x 100’s (Intra Labs) $ 8.09
Pepser 10mg TAB / 10 (Intra Labs) $ 0.78
PEPSER tab 10 mg x 10’s (Intra Labs) $ 0.95
Pepser 10mg TAB / 10 (Intra Labs) $ 0.78
Pepsun (India)
10 mg x 100’s (Laksun) $ 6.35
Pepsun 10mg TAB / 100 (Laksun) $ 6.35
PEPSUN tab 10 mg x 10’s (Laksun) $ 0.63
Peptase (Taiwan)
Peptase 5 mg
Peptase 5 mg x Blister pk
Peptase 10 mg x 1000’s
Peptirase (South Korea)
10 mg x 100’s (Psycorem) $ 8.22
Peptisoj 10mg TAB / 100 (Psycorem) $ 8.22
PEPTISOJ tab 10 mg x 10’s (Psycorem) $ 0.82
Peptisoj 10mg TAB / 100 (Psycorem) $ 8.22
PEPZEN (India)
PEPZEN Capsule/ Tablet / 10mg / 10 units (Cadila (Genvista)) $ 0.92
PEPZEN Capsule/ Tablet / 5mg / 10 units (Cadila (Genvista)) $ 0.56

Фармакологическое действие

Синбиотик рекомендуется принимать не только при нарушении дисбаланса кишечной микрофлоры, но и в профилактических целях.

Препарат способствует защите организма от бактериальных агентов в целом для всего организма. При использовании интенсифицируется иммуностимулирующий эффект.

Входящий в состав добавки лактобактерии, оказывает угнетающее действие на развитие болезнетворных организмов. Средство можно принимать людям, имеющим непереносимость на молочные продукты или с лактазной недостаточностью.

Аналог Maxilase в России

Синбиотик быстро увеличивает качественный состав микрофлоры, стимулируя рост полезных бактерий.

Аналог Maxilase в России

Maxilase indications

An indication is a term used for the list of condition or symptom or illness for which the medicine is prescribed or used by the patient. For example, acetaminophen or paracetamol is used for fever by the patient, or the doctor prescribes it for a headache or body pains. Now fever, headache and body pains are the indications of paracetamol. A patient should be aware of the indications of medications used for common conditions because they can be taken over the counter in the pharmacy meaning without prescription by the Physician.

Adjunctive treatment of congestive oropharynx.

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Шокирующая статистика! По последним исследованиях более трети женщин, подавших на развод, не довольны размером полового органа супруга. Основной причиной развода они называют слабый оргазм или его отсутствие по причине малого проникновения. Чтобы не доводить дело до операции по удлинению мужчины во всем мире пользуются...

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* before general clinical signs of bacterial infection, an antibiotic therapy should be considered.

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